There is a specific need for well-trained, professional teachers in the countries where we work. These teachers pursue excellence in the classroom as a central part of their lives overseas. On a platform of educational credibility and classroom quality, we can establish a lasting structure where deep relationships can be built, and the Gospel can be shared.
Cru sends teachers to partnership schools in teams so that you won’t go alone. Since you also work for Cru, you’ll receive training before you arrive and coaching while abroad. You’ll also get to connect with other teams of Cru staff, and interns from around the world at annual conferences within your continent.
While teaching with Cru you will have the opportunity to:
Go with a team of other teachers and recent graduates
Grow closer to God.
Experience the meaning of community and team.
Bring the Gospel to hard-to-access locations.
Develop professionally as a cross-cultural teacher.
Distinguish your resume with overseas experience.
Learn to articulate the Gospel in a variety of contexts.
Most of our partner schools employ teachers who raise their own salary to teach overseas. By going with Cru, we will provide professional training in support raising and coaching to help you raise necessary funds before you leave. We will work with you to build a customized financial profile tailored to your specific situation and needs.